The Frédéric Gaillanne Foundation, in Isle sur la Sorgue in Provence, France, is the only organisation in France to provide guide dogs for blind children. They do an absolutely remarkable job. I made a short film for the foundation (who I sponsor) explaining how they work. They need funds in order to double their capacity to be able to offer twenty dogs per year instead of ten. This ‘amateur’ film was made by a mini-team of professionals, and everyone in the film is part of the foundation, or are real host families for the dogs. Young Anaïs is really blind and handled her role as a true professional, accompanied by her own dog “Mozart”.
A special thank you to Mathieu Kassovitz, who ventured out on his scooter in the rain to bail us out. If you would consider making a small contribution this Christmas, it would be welcome. And don’t hesitate to share this little film with all your friends…