If you live near Nantes, the exhibit is being held at the Maison des Arts in Saint Herblain until November 20. You can see Looop there.
Category Archives: News
Marc Caro, produced by Tapioca Films, directed Looop, an extremely experimental and personal short film… a mix of animation in real settings. For the moment on Canal Plus, and in April on the net…
Goodbye to Bretodeau
Maurice Bénichou joined his little memory box in the sky… Adieu my friend…
Exhibits come to an end
52,000 individuals visited La Halle Saint Pierre, and 130,000 visited the Cinema and Miniatures Museum in Lyon. Not bad for cinema exhibits. Thanks again to Martine Lusardy and Dan Ohlmann!
Bruno Delbonnel wins the Angenieux award
Bruno (Amelie, A Very Long Engagement), 5 time Oscar nominee, lauded time and again, who has worked with Sokurov, the Coen brothers, Joe Wright, a certain Harry Potter, Tim Burton, etc, received the notable Angénieux Award at the Cannes Film Festival, from the prestigious brand of zooms, famous for their excellence. What is lesser known, is that Bruno also wrote a “Pros and Cons” on my short film Foutaises.
Tribute to the Los Angeles Cinematheque
Amelie was shown to a packed house of 600 spectators, followed by a heated question and answer session… A very “Amelian” fan: 🤣
At the screening, in a dark corridor, I had the misfortune of doing an interview for a small Mexican site. I said, “It would be difficult to film Amélie in Paris today, because the city is disfigured by so much construction work. Few of the places filmed in Amélie would be usable today”… What was I thinking? Our Holy Mayor shouted with terror. “Not at all, there are plenty of films being shot in Paris every day.” … Of course one can always find a free street, even if it is ugly.
Then a screening of Delicatessen, and The City of Lost Children, in the presence of Pitof, who was responsible for the digital effects, which were revolutionary at the time, and Ron Perlman, in the role of One …
Another screening, that of Alien Resurrection, at the USC School of Cinematic Arts… where a fantastic exhibition was held for the 40-year anniversary of Alien. Screening in 35mm, in the presence of (from left to right), Matthiew Gratzner, responsible for the models (it was before digital), Pitof again, who in addition to the special effects led the second team, Mézigue, Alec Gillis, who, with Tom Woodruff, made the Aliens, the eggs, the facehugger etc… Ian Hunter, another “modelmaker” (an endangered profession), Raymond Cruz, who played Di Stephano, and John Frizzell the musician… In short the AAA… (The Ancient Alien Association)…
Auguste Renoir said…
“Any work which doesn’t employ the hands is suspect.” So… create:
The glass man is no longer with us
February 16th, Serge Merlin, the chief preacher of the Cyclops in The City of Lost Children and Raymond Dufayel in Amelie passed away. Adieu Serge.
The Caro-Jeunet Exhibit now to be at the Lyon Cinema and Miniatures Museum
The outstanding Caro-Jeunet exhibit at the Halle Saint Pierre has come to an end after 10 months. Many thanks to Martine Lusardi and her collaborators.
Now it will be opening to the public at the superb Cinema and Miniatures Museum in Lyon, at 60 rue Saint Jean, on October 13, a few days before the Lumière festival where Delicatessen will be screened three times.
Below, an image from the Halle Saint Pierre exhibit. (Photo Elske Koelstra)
Last days of the exhibition at the Halle St Pierre !
A last-minute visitor, Judith Vittet, was excited to find her MIETTE costume from The City of Lost Children.
The first thing she did was search under the skirt, to check if the little shorts that Jean-Paul Gaultier had made to preserve her modesty as a young girl were still there…