The press has recently announced the very important information that Amelie will be produced as a Broadway musical (interviews on Europe 1, RTL, BFM…).
This is true. But why have I waited twelve years? Well, because I absolutely loathe “musicals” and so I have resisted all proposals for all these years, whether French or American. I cannot find a better definition of this genre than that of Gad Elmaleh’s comedy sketch… “We make love, we go to war… we make love… you’ve already said that!”… Jacques Demy’s films are, to me, the epitome of absolute delusion… Ah, and why not some figure skating in this supremely has-been genre? Maybe I’ll be presented with a choreography on ice between Amélie and Nino Quincampoix…
So, you ask, why did I finally give in? Very simply because I support an association called “Heart Surgery Sponsors”, whose goal is to bring children with heart defects here from poor countries. They are welcomed into families, and operated on in France before returning home, healed.
So after hearing that a “musical” could, if successful, earn a lot of money, I thought it was perhaps time to rethink my decision. If this show can save the lives of some children, so be it… “Amelie will change your life… you’ve already said that”… The worst thing that can happen after all is that the show is a flop!