“Delicatessen” alight

Meanwhile, Delicatessen was screened three times at the ‘Lumière’ festival, which I presented with Dominique Pinon, to a crowded room. Regrettably, even 60 people were left out in the cold in Villeurbanne… As Claude Lelouch said during the opening ceremony, “the only valid critique is time.” It was therefore a pleasure to see short extracts of Delicatessen among other extracts of masterpieces such as 2001 or Once upon a time in the west...

September 2014. Festival of Deauville

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I was a member of a jury composed of former jury presidents, as well as Marie-Claude Pietragala with whom I became friends. Costa Gavras, Claude Lelouch, André Téchiné, Vincent Lindon, Pierre Lescure. Every breakfast was a pretext for an anecdote contest. Lelouch carried Charlie Chaplin up the stairs of his Club 13 and Mr Chaplin turned to hand him some change… I fell in love with Whiplash which won the grand prize and the public’s choice award.

June 2014. Munich Festival

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I met up again with Kyle Catlett. A beautiful 3D projection, despite the “RealD” system. I sat next to the mayor of Munich who texted during the entire projection. I wonder what would happen if I did the same during one of his speeches… Wim Wenders was as lovely as ever, and congratulated me. I was pleased because he filmed in Montreal after me and used my favorite technicians, whom I had recommended. Along the way a quick visit to the sublime “Allianz Arena”. TS will make an honorable showing in Germany, like all of my films.

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April 2014. French Film Festival in Brazil

Nice little festival. Spivet had the second best score after Guillaume Galienne’s film. A visit to the Maracana with Jalil Lespert and Philippe Claudel.

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In Sao Paulo I saw the actress who played Amelie as a child. She is 19 years old now…

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Une fille tatouée “Amélie” me fait dédicacer son bras. Le soir même, elle se fait tatouer ma signature… Ça fait un peu peur…

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Lunch atop a “pacified” Favella. The bikes have a sort of radio antenna on the front fender. I’m told that since it is more difficult to obtain weapons now, people kill their enemies by stringing a rope across the road. So the antenna brings down the bike, which is, of course, better than being beheaded…